Join Anti-Racism Festival As We Prepare For Our Big Event!!
With the help of our Anti-Racist partners we will be offering a number of events to help fund Anti-Racism Festival Of The Arts!! Be on the look out for upcoming opportunities to join the journey!!
*To become a partner/sponsor or to submit art samples please email:

Thank you for sharing your story with me!
Now the work begins as we journey to
Reclaim Our Afro-American Roots!
Afro-American Storytelling Research Project $550.00
20-hour dive into digging up your roots
Documenting each of your family lines as far back as possible, with the goal of tracing your lineage to the Reconstruction era.
Solving family mysteries.
Analyzing your DNA test and the test of your DNA matches to help build your story with documented proof.​
A PDF version of your family lineage charted in an easy to read and easy to share spreadsheet.
One DNA test kit.
An online editable family tree on a major genealogy website.
The time required to review previous research, interact with you by email, telephone or mail (email is preferred).
Research, locating documents, analysis of records and DNA, creating your family tree, documenting your story via spreadsheet.
We strive to accomplish all research goals within the 20 hour time frame, but sometimes an end goal can exceed what can be accomplished in this fixed amount of time. If that happens, I will reach to ask if you want to purchase additional hours ($25/hour, minimum 4 hours), or end the research project.
If your research project is able to trace your Afro-American family back to 1865, I will look for your ancestors' names in public records, including: slave schedules, property, estate, and court records.
If I hit a brick wall on one branch of your family tree, I will move to another with the goal of telling your story.
Most Reclaiming Our Roots genealogy projects will be completed within three to six months from the time of purchase. The timeline can vary depending on when your DNA results are in. It is recommended, but not required, that you take at least one or two DNA tests. DNA tests can and do help with getting through brick walls caused by common names, lost records, relationships.
Genealogy research can come with some challenges we should be aware of.
Brick walls are common. It is a very real possibility that any or all of your lines cannot be traced. This can be caused by:
Common names
Lost records
Inaccurate records
Not enough records
Name changes of people and places
Not enough information
Missing persons
Family secrets can be uncovered. I cannot stress these possibilities enough, because these skeletons are the most hurtful.
Discovering family you never knew about such as; a parent or parents, sibling/s, grandparent/s, aunt/s, uncle/s, cousin/s. This is extremely common, and this news is not always welcome by everyone involved.
The family story you told may not match what the records and your DNA reveal. You all know the story of your Ingenious Great Great Grandma! Many of those stories are untrue, and were told as a way to hide the atrocities of Enslavement.
DNA results can and will change over time. This is science. As more people test, there are more samples to compare your DNA to.
*All of the research I conduct will be done from an unbiased lens, with the goal of uncovering and reporting on the truth, no matter what is found. This is a flat-fee service. All fees are non-refundable. Please see or Research Terms Of Service and Privacy Policy
It is time to bring our anti-racist activism to our Afro-American families by reclaiming our stolen history and honoring our Black ancestors that.
It is through the Afro-American tradition of storytelling that we have been able to hold on to some of our family history. We've passed on the stories of our people from generation to generation, and with each telling some of those details get lost or changed. Let's take a trip through your family stories through genealogy research, and reclaim those roots that shape who we are today.
This is an opportunity to add to our great legacy of storytelling, with documents, records, and DNA to help bring your history to life.
The goal of this anti-racist storytelling project is to:
Trace your ancestors back as far as possible, within the time allowed for your genealogical storytelling project.
Identify who your Afro-American ancestors were and where they lived during the Reconstruction Era.
Uncover truths or untruths shared with you through your family’s oral traditions.
Connect with other descendants of your ancestors.
Afro-American Basic Search $50.00
Reclaiming Our Afro-American Roots can vary from person to person. What we expect and what resulting story will be found can differ. Every effort is made to conduct your family research charging reasonable genealogical fees, and will include advice regarding other possible charges and expenses.
The process begins with receiving some information from you allowing for a low-cost, 4 hour, basic search to determine if the information that you are able to provide will result in the possibility for further research. You can expect to receive an answer to this basic search within 72 hours of your initial email (excludes weekends and holidays). No further research will be conducted without further permission.
*This is non-refundable, and required before continuing on to the Afro-American Storytelling Research Project.
10 years genealogy research experience
low-cost initial consultation
Obtain research documents
Evaluation, analysis and vetting of records and DNA
Experienced in Afro-American research
Be on the lookout for the voyages home. AntiRacistAF will be taking cultural journeys to the Deep South were we will connect with and reclaim those roots that shape who we are today.