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Put Your Anti-Racism Into Action!

Join The Journey To Anti-Racism Festival

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Join  Anti-Racism  Festival  As  We  Prepare  For  Our  Big  Event!!


With the help of our Anti-Racist partners we will be offering a number of events to help fund Anti-Racism Art Festival!! Be on the look out for upcoming opportunities to join the journey!!


*To become a partner/sponsor or to submit art samples please email: 

click here for art submission guideline

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Ice House Gallery &

Art  Makers  Outpost 

Protest art  Fundraiser!!





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We're making Protest signs to hang at the Anti-Racism Festival!!


Join us at Ice House Gallery, with Art Makers Outpost Saturday, March 21, 2020, 3-5 pm


Let the community know how you feel, what you stand for, words of encouragement, tips you've picked up to help on your anti-racist journey, we are making signs of protest!! This family friendly event is your chance to express yourself for the cause of anti-racism!!

Art materials will be provided by Art Makers Outpost. ESPCAR members will be on-deck too!

Come hang out with us at Ice House Gallery!


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nicelena & friends

Anti-Racism  Fest  Fundraiser!!





Art is an opportunity to create

new, transform,

educate, eliminate, inspire,

and motivate.
Join us on our journey to the Anti-Racism Festival Of The Arts at

niceLena & Friends, Saturday March 28, 2020,  7-9pm.


We're bringing the wine, snacks, and inspiration, you just show up! This is a fun, easy, creative way to express our anti-racism through art!


niceLena & Friends will be hosting a night of social justice button and art making with the theme for the night "Anti-Racist AF"!! Show off your

anti-racism at Anti-Racist Art Festival, June 7th, 2020.


Come be a part of the journey. This creative fundraiser will be lead by Anti-Racism Festival creator, Fuschia W.R., with Lena owner of niceLena & Friends.

Put your anti-racism into action.


*Be on the look out for more upcoming fundraising opportunities for the Anti-Racism Festival Of The Arts.

*To become a partner/sponsor or to submit art samples please email: 

click here for art submission guideline

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Group Axé Capoeira Chocago  

Anti-Racism  Fest  Fundraiser!!





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Art  Makers  Outpost 

Anti-Racism  Fest  Fundraiser!!





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