Join Anti-Racism Festival As We Prepare For Our Big Event!!
With the help of our Anti-Racist partners we will be offering a number of events to help fund Anti-Racism Festival Of The Arts!! Be on the look out for upcoming opportunities to join the journey!!
*To become a partner/sponsor or to submit art samples please email:

The Journey To Anti-Racism
Through The Art Of Community Collaboration
Join AntiRacistAF in our community building activist initiatives including: protest, gatherings, partnerships, petitions, meetings, learning opportunities, events, event support, community art projects, and storytelling.
Follow AntiRacistAF on social media to check out past projects and to stay update on current and upcoming initiatives!
Please consider contributing to our collaboration efforts. With your help we are able to gather supplies, permits, teachers, artists, facilitators, etc. please consider contributing or shopping with us, so that we can bring activism to the community!
Many Thanks,
Put Your Anti-Racism Into Action!

The Legacy of Storytelling
Telling our truths through the art of stories is a tradition in which we navigate our journey through life. Stories are passed on as a guide, a means of self-care, a way to bear witness, to encourage and discourage, to share our joy, pain, love, and laughter.
Storytelling is way for us to be free, sing, dance, taste,
teach, learn, soar, persevere, see, hear, whisper, and scream.
We get to dream, cry, endure, heal, and feel all of the feelings scripted out in letters and sounds, colors and codes.
It is here, in the art of storytelling, that we join
our ancestors and we reach our successors.
Be A Part Of The Legacy